Monday, October 1, 2007

New York Here We Come!!

Well schools out for fall break and Tatum and I are getting ready to go to New York City. I don't know who is more excited me or the boys. The boys can't wait for boys night out with dad and I can't wait for cooler weather, sight seeing, and of course shopping! It's going to be an adventure taking Tatum. Thanks again mom and dad!


Jana said...

Your welcome Chelsea - glad to have you and Tatum join us!

Chelsea said...

Hope you guys have fun! What a fun thing. Take lots of pics!!

weaverfam said...

bout time you updated :) make sure to take lots of blog pics in the big apple

Kristin said...

Yea I agree with Becky, Take lots of pics! I can't wait to see 'um

renhallows said...

New York? What the heck. Sounds like fun. The toy store you're in...was that in Timesquare Toysrus?