FEBRUARY 9, 1977

FEBRUARY 28, 2007
February is an action packed month around our house! With three birthdays all in the same month (What were we thinking?) we seem to have an endless supply of parties, presents, and cake! Because Chelsea and Cooper couldn't agree on which jumper we should rent for a combined "birthday blowout" Cooper had his birthday at Way to Play Cafe with a bunch of his buddies and Chelsea celebrated her birthday at Texas Roadhouse with a big "YeeeeeHaaaaaaa!" and a movie of her choice. (See the Weavers blog for pics and possible video of the "YeeeeeHaaaaaaa!" in the next week or so.....no pressure Becky!) Now we are just waiting for Tatum to put together her invitation list for her first big birthday party at the end of the month. Chandler and I would like to wish Cooper, Chelsea, and Tatum a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! We love you guys!
Happy B-day
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