#10 Stephen and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary a little early.
We flew to L.A. saw "Wicked" (by the way was fabulous), shopped Rodeo Drive, The Grove, Robinson Ave, and The Promenade. Took long walks down the Venice Canal, experienced Muscle Beach, drove down Santa Monica Blvd, ate at Pink's Hot dogs and Tommy's Burgers, had fun at Universal Studios, watched the paparazzi chase after some celebrity, saw one famous star "Tori Spelling" (gotta love 90210) and relaxed in our beautiful hotel in Beverly Hills.

#9 I was approached by another teacher to job share next year in sixth grade.
(teaching Science!!!)I decided to take the challenge and researched on how to get an elementary certificate. Got to take a lovely 4 hour test on a Saturday afternoon. Left thinking there was noway I passed that thing.
#8 Happy Birthday to my big guy Chandler. He turned 6 on April 15th. He chose to celebrate by going to a SUNS game. For his birthday he got a Steve Nash jersey and shorts. Nana gave him money to spend at the arena and he came home with a really cool basketball. He caught two shirts that were thrown into the crowd and took some really cool pictures. After the game was over we ran into Kevin Johnson and Dan Marjle. Stephen and Chandler got their picture taken with KJ.

#7 Chandler had his Kindergarten performance at the Chandler Center for the Arts and sang beautifully. He looked so handsome on stage.
#6 Shopped Homedepot, Costco Home, and Lowes for the perfect new carpet for our
home. I've got some serious personal issues on making decisions. Especially when it comes to color and price. I've finally decided on color now I just need to figure out how important it is to have the softest carpet in the neighborhood or settle with the same old normal carpet that most people have. (I'm telling you it's just really hard once you have seen this particular one.)
#5 Had Cooper screened for speech, failed therefore we had to have a full
evaluation done and waiting for his meeting to see the results. He is improving, he now says "FFFFFFFFFFFF ork" instead of "dork" and he now calls himself "Cooper" instead of "Pooper" (poor kid)
#4 Found out that I passed my test with the highest score in SCIENCE. How
convenient is that. (I was actually shocked. It must have been all those test taking strategies that I taught the SPED kids that really paid off.) I will now be the 6th grade science teacher at CTA Liberty working only Thursdays and Fridays and every other Wednesday. Can't wait for this awesome schedule again.
#3 Father and Suns Camp out was a hit. The boys loved building fires and hiking.
They found a really cool cave with a natural waterfall inside.
#2 Cooper's last day of school is tomorrow. Kind of sad, he has really made some
good friends. However not going to miss the weekly notes sent home on his excessive talking in circle time.
#1 Last but not least, only 9 more days left of school and 6 1/2 weeks until beach
Hopefully life will slow down a little in the summertime and I will get better at updating.
So glad to see you updated. I loved reading about your past few months. Sounds like you and your hubby had fun in Cali. Congrats on the 10 years! Miss seeing you at church. hope all is well.
YO! I suck and I still have those pictures for you. I'll just e-mail them to your work account. Will that work? Let me know if you want any group class shots too. I have some from Bounce U and Teacher Appreciation/Mother's Day Tea.
Chelsea Are you still making carseat covers? I have a friend who is having a girl and interested in looking at them if you are. You can email me at haltermanfamily@hotmail.com. How's the new job going?
Ok it has been 5 months...we need some more updates! How bout some picks of snofie?
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