Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Top 10 Reasons for Not Blogging...

(warning this may be a novel)
#10 Stephen and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary a little early.
We flew to L.A. saw "Wicked" (by the way was fabulous), shopped Rodeo Drive, The Grove, Robinson Ave, and The Promenade. Took long walks down the Venice Canal, experienced Muscle Beach, drove down Santa Monica Blvd, ate at Pink's Hot dogs and Tommy's Burgers, had fun at Universal Studios, watched the paparazzi chase after some celebrity, saw one famous star "Tori Spelling" (gotta love 90210) and relaxed in our beautiful hotel in Beverly Hills.

#9 I was approached by another teacher to job share next year in sixth grade.
(teaching Science!!!)I decided to take the challenge and researched on how to get an elementary certificate. Got to take a lovely 4 hour test on a Saturday afternoon. Left thinking there was noway I passed that thing.

#8 Happy Birthday to my big guy Chandler. He turned 6 on April 15th. He chose to celebrate by going to a SUNS game. For his birthday he got a Steve Nash jersey and shorts. Nana gave him money to spend at the arena and he came home with a really cool basketball. He caught two shirts that were thrown into the crowd and took some really cool pictures. After the game was over we ran into Kevin Johnson and Dan Marjle. Stephen and Chandler got their picture taken with KJ.

#7 Chandler had his Kindergarten performance at the Chandler Center for the Arts and sang beautifully. He looked so handsome on stage.

#6 Shopped Homedepot, Costco Home, and Lowes for the perfect new carpet for our
home. I've got some serious personal issues on making decisions. Especially when it comes to color and price. I've finally decided on color now I just need to figure out how important it is to have the softest carpet in the neighborhood or settle with the same old normal carpet that most people have. (I'm telling you it's just really hard once you have seen this particular one.)

#5 Had Cooper screened for speech, failed therefore we had to have a full
evaluation done and waiting for his meeting to see the results. He is improving, he now says "FFFFFFFFFFFF ork" instead of "dork" and he now calls himself "Cooper" instead of "Pooper" (poor kid)

#4 Found out that I passed my test with the highest score in SCIENCE. How
convenient is that. (I was actually shocked. It must have been all those test taking strategies that I taught the SPED kids that really paid off.) I will now be the 6th grade science teacher at CTA Liberty working only Thursdays and Fridays and every other Wednesday. Can't wait for this awesome schedule again.

#3 Father and Suns Camp out was a hit. The boys loved building fires and hiking.
They found a really cool cave with a natural waterfall inside.

#2 Cooper's last day of school is tomorrow. Kind of sad, he has really made some
good friends. However not going to miss the weekly notes sent home on his excessive talking in circle time.

#1 Last but not least, only 9 more days left of school and 6 1/2 weeks until beach

Hopefully life will slow down a little in the summertime and I will get better at updating.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tates Turns One

Happy Birthday big girl! Here in the Snesko family we like to spread out the birthday cheer and let it hang around for a week. Tatum's birthday was on February 28th and she was feeling a little under the weather so we decided to hold off on her party till she felt better. Well I couldn't resist getting her a little birthday cake for her on her special day. Then on Sunday my mom always has her little special party and makes a cake for the birthday person and she was feeling a little under the weather too(thanks to my kids), so Gretchen stepped up and made a really good dinner and my mom luckily made the cupcakes the day before and let her blow out a candle. And finally on Monday we had the big party with our neighborhood friends the Grimsley's and the Weaver's plus Stephen's family and mine. We all had some more cake and another candle to blow and opened presents. Thanks everyone for sharing her special days with us!

Cake #1

Cake #2
You will have to go to my mom's blog to view

Cake #3
A Princess cake to go along with her Princess birthday shirt to go along with her Princess ride!

Monday, February 18, 2008

More Snow Pics

The first day we got there Stephen took Tatum down the hill and Nana said she had her eyes closed all the way down. When Stephen got up to go again Tatum freaked out and wouldn't go to anybody that went down the hill with a sled. So she and Nana went and hung out in the car to get warm and sat and listened to Nana's IPOD. After that experiece Tatum didn't want to have anything to do with me or Stephen the whole weekend. She only wanted her Nana.


The boys have been asking to go play in the snow recently so Gretchen decided to treat Cooper and all of us for his birthday to a weekend up north. She rented a cabin and Nana bough sleds for everyone. We spent two days at the gravel pits and had a blast.

Thank you so much Gretchen and Nana. We made some good memories this weekend and it sure was fun seeing Nana and Pa join in on the sledding.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine Smiles

Chelsea, these are a few of the things that make me smile when I think about you and I. Gingerbread houses and towels, haircut watching Apollo 13,summers at the beach, Chandler, Cooper, Tatum, "pinky swears",5/23/98, "think small", Tucson Special Olympics bowling, trip to Disney Land, the "top deck" of the cruise, Econo Lodge in Sandiego, late night movies, singles ward, when I told you that I loved you for the first time, your graduation, date nights, "team gifts", our first home, speaking spanish,and most of all...."forever and always". I am so thankful that you are and always will be my Valentine. I love you.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cooper's Birthday Bash!


FEBRUARY 4, 2004

FEBRUARY 9, 1977

FEBRUARY 28, 2007

February is an action packed month around our house! With three birthdays all in the same month (What were we thinking?) we seem to have an endless supply of parties, presents, and cake! Because Chelsea and Cooper couldn't agree on which jumper we should rent for a combined "birthday blowout" Cooper had his birthday at Way to Play Cafe with a bunch of his buddies and Chelsea celebrated her birthday at Texas Roadhouse with a big "YeeeeeHaaaaaaa!" and a movie of her choice. (See the Weavers blog for pics and possible video of the "YeeeeeHaaaaaaa!" in the next week or pressure Becky!) Now we are just waiting for Tatum to put together her invitation list for her first big birthday party at the end of the month. Chandler and I would like to wish Cooper, Chelsea, and Tatum a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! We love you guys!

Monday, January 28, 2008

To Pierce or Not To Pierce???

Recently Tatum has been mistaken for a boy. The poor thing since day one I have said it but no one agreed with me. She is cute, adorable, precious, yet some days her looks change and I like to dress her in brown a lot. So tonight Stephen asked me if I wanted to get her ears pierced. I always had in mind that I was going to let her decide when she wanted to do it but I am starting to think that Stephen is getting a little worried. I feel like such a terrible mom to admit this and to actually post it on a blog. Thank goodness she is too young to read and hopefully in the future when she looks back and reads this she'll laugh. So after our conversation tonight I decided I would make her some barrettes for her hair (or lack of hair) and just maybe she will keep them in. I really loved making hair bows for her but the little booger keeps pulling them off. We'll let me know what you think and we'll try the barrettes for a while.

Here are some pictures of two of my children in the same outfit. Can you guess which one is Tatum???

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

December... Fast Forward

Okay so it's been awhile and we have been very busy, so here are a few highlights of the month of December and I might as well do January while I'm at it and who knows maybe I should just predict February and March that way I will be caught up for the next few months.

So let's see what happened in December???? (it's been too long to remember... Kinda of pathetic I know!) Okay the beginning of Dec. (I think) my mom and I took Tatum down to the high school to get her pictures taken. Now many of you are wondering why the high school (Can't they at least afford Targets $4.99 portrait sheets) No there is a reason. My mom has a dress of hers when she thinks she was about one years old and a little blue stuffed doggy that she had her picture taken in so we took the dress, the dog, and Tatum down to the photography room and snapped some pictures that will soon be photo shopped to look old and vintage like my moms. So here is my mom and here is Tatum.

Chandler and Cooper finished up soccer and T-ball and it was hilarious. Cooper got his trophy first and then after Chandler's last game he got his and the first thing that the boys did was set them on the ground and measured who's was the tallest. Is that not brotherly competition or what?

Next we took family pictures of the kids. They are did really well and cooperated, so here are a few that I like best.

Then every year at the end of first semester my dad has a pizza party for his college class at Chandler High. It's really cool and it is something that we have done as a family every since I can remember. It's a little unique to the fact that my dad cooks the pizzas in his giant kiln that he would normally fire his pottery in. Over the years my sister and I have figured out that you don't want to be the first ones to have you pizza cooked because it usually comes out burnt on the bottom and doughy in the middle (probably due to the fact that it's cooking at the temp. of 800 degrees and then it slowly cools down. But anyways the pizza is really good and the boys really enjoyed making their own pizzas. (Thanks mom and dad)

A week and a half I took the kids down to the bird house to get Nana (my mom) a bird for Christmas. On the way to the store I had a talk with the boys, Cooper, explaining how it's a secret and not to tell Nana what we got her. So we ended up getting her a Tri colored Love Bird and on the way home I told the boys to come up with a name. So they were thinking and thinking and all of the sudden Cooper says, "How about Peach?" We all loved it and it stuck. Now the funny part was about four days later, Nana was taking Cooper to Preschool and Cooper blurts out, "Hey Nana we don't have another bird, No we don't." Well my mom is just too quick and she caught on fast. Fortunately we were able to keep the little bird's name a secret for Christmas but that was about it.

And Last, Christmas was wonderful! Everyone had a great time and it was great seeing and being with family!

Hopefully I didn't bore you with the book that I have written and my new years resolution is to be better at journaling but hey doesn't this say Stephen and Chelsea's blog? Stephen could jump in anytime now.
P.S. If some of the pictures look familar... Thanks Mom!