Sunday, November 11, 2007

All Aboard the POLAR EXPRESS...

A tank of gas $80. New tires for a road trip $750. Monkey pajamas for the ninos $60. Being pulled over by half the Williams police dept. while your friends drive by laughing and your child does the potty dance in the back of the suburban.....priceless. (I'm only guessing that 2 squad cars make up half of the Williams police force, but it is possible it could be all of the Williams police force.) Even with our tangle with the law we made it to the Polar Express on time and had a great time singing Christmas songs, eating cookies, visiting Santa, and hanging out with our friends the Weavers and Grimsleys.


Anonymous said...

Tatum is growing up so fast. She looks so cute in her big girl pajamas.You all look cute.We love you all.

Kristin said...

How fun is that? Is this up in Flagstaff? I have heard such good things about this and I so want to go...

Chelsea said...

So I didn't see the writing you added. That is hilarious! :)

weaverfam said...

Oh, I am laughing so hard that I am doing the potty dance too! It was such a blast going with you guys. Great choice in dinner
too ;}

Adam - Janet - Owen - Caroline - Howie said...

Yeah, that was pretty darn funny to see y'all pulled over. I giggle just thinking about it again. Glad it ended well tho.

weaverfam said...

Ok, update your blog already slackers! Quit spending time on your new muffler and update your blog~

Shelley said...

So Chelsea... I've been waiting and waiting for a new post!!! What have you been up to?? Busy??? :)