Monday, October 1, 2007

Getting Ready for Halloween

This weekend the boys helped me get out all the Halloween stuff and we decorated the front door. Chandler wants to be a pirate this year and Cooper wants to be Superman. Cooper asked me to make his costume and I tried many times to show him some cool ones at the store with muscles built in but he still insists on me making it. So it's still in the works but here's a sneak peak and Tatum is going to be a Pirate Diva. I had a really good time making her costume and I will post pictures of her later. Hopefully Cooper won't be disappointed at the end and who knows he might change his mind and wear the "stretchy pants" that Chandler is too embarrassed to wear in a picture and be Nacho Libre!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Our boys are pirates too! Too bad they won't be together. That would have been fun for all of them. I would LOVE to see the strechy pants pictures!!